1:1 Psychology online session
Doctors heal the body- psychologists heal the Soul.
Service Description
Guidance, mentorship, coaching and other forms of help are very important step in obtaining clarity, harmony, stability in all areas of life. Psychologists are doctors of the soul. Depression can be cured if right approach is found, and that's what i do, find an individual approach to each and one of you! If it seems like nobody understands You- i see You THROUGH THE MAGNIFYING GLASS. We tend to carry and store negative emotions throughout lifetime, although few know that emotions experienced in early years of life, school or the ones suppressed are still TAKING UP SPACE in our Astral body, just like junk files occupying our phones that lead to overfull storage. Depending on your situation, as few as 1 session GUARANTEES progress and bettering of all segments of life, both mental ad emotional. Multiple feedback of gratitude from people i already helped inspire me to share my skills with you. Problems such as patterns in relationships are dissolving after the very 1st session for example. Traumas of the past require more time however techniques i offer do work very fast and effective. I invite each and one of you, who finds this service resonating to book a lifechanging session, where maybe for the 1st time in your life you will get to meet real YOU, without judgement and expectations of others dive deep into the mot hidden places of your subconscious mind and extract the hidden treasure that were always there! This inspiring service is designed to cleanse and heal the old baggage that no longer serves your highest good. Will put an end to any dysfunctions and enable you to live happily ever after=)